Monday, February 28, 2011

The future visit

"I built a time machine for my science project Mrs. Kapoor" I said. Mrs. Kapoor came up to my desk and picked up my time machine, which was a small gadget, the size of a cell phone. She looked at it and said, "Good job Karthik, this looks good but have you tested it?" "Well, no, I said. but I will now." With that, I turned the dial for two years ahead, rather nervously, because I didn't want to find myself floating about in empty space, which was probably the aftermath of the horrors of "2012." 'Oh shut up!' I thought, 'how the hell is that possible?' Then, I pressed the button, and I blacked out. Two seconds later I found myself automatically walking into the 8th class, and soon recognized myself, and also realized that my invention, was a success.

Mrs. Kapoor, who now appeared to be taking Geography for Class 8, looked at me with not the slightest bit of curiosity on her face and told me "Oh, you're here from the past aren't you Karthik?" Yeah...."I said. "OK, well, sit down" she added. I sat down next to the older me who waved at me and said Hi, and also wasn't the least bit surprised by me. " I still have the gadget," he said, and added with a toothy grin " I use it to cheat on my tests...." 'Ha!' I thought, "So typical me!' " A new continent has been found today class" said Mrs. Kapoor to the class. "What?!" I shrieked. "Yes" she said, and added "That's not common for you Karthik. Anyway, It's called "RED LAND" and is to the west of the United States of America. You can check it on your atlas; I'm sure that they would have been updated."' Digital books' I thought, 'COOL!' The older me slammed at his table, and a keyboard and screen came up in front of him. He typed the word "atlas" and pressed "ENTER". the atlas appeared, projected out in front of us by the screen. I found Red land, and read up about it as well. Just then, the bell rang, and "me" as I called the older myself, packed his bag, and with a polite "Thank you teacher" ran swiftly out the door.

I ran behind Me, and suddenly stopped behind him. We had reached the road....or what looked like a road. It was all trees, but they were all level at the top, and had rectangular depressions cut into them. There were people standing on thin transparent slides, and were travelling on the depressions in the trees. 'public transport' I thought. " You want to go by auto, or the plankway?" asked Me, with a smile. "Let's go by auto" I said, looking at someone falling on the plankway plank, and the plank shaking back and forth and back and forth. We found an auto, and we got in and drove off. My home was the same, but instead of staircases, we had mini-plankways, which I reluctantly got onto and went inside. Mom and Pa weren't surprised to see me either; they must have constantly been seeing me transporting from one place to another! " Welcome to the present!" said Pa and Mom together. "Present?" I asked. "I thought this was the future!" It may be the future for, a person from the past, but someone who exists here and always has existed here will call it the present, because every second coming up is the future, and when you live the second, it is automatically the present! Do you understand?" asked Pa. "Uhuh" I said. Suddenly, I started to fade, and then reappeared in my classroom at the present and I said, "Wow, you people have got to try this." I put the gadget to projection mode, and then pressed the button, and my class and I, along with Mrs. Kapoor, went off to the future.....I mean, the present.